National Anonymous racist texts reported at campuses across the country following Trump victory Each message followed a nearly identical format, telling recipients they have been “selected to pick cotton at the nearest plantation.” Alex JobinNovember 8, 2024
News SPLC urges policymakers to prevent hate-fueled crimes during Hate Crimes Awareness Month SPLC is elevating four policy recommendations to prevent and combat hate crimes. StaffOctober 2, 2024
Featured Opinion Opinion | Live Oak: Reckoning with Alabama’s Confederate ghosts They were the living embodiment of what Confederate had fought for: white supremacy as a government, and a way of life. David PersonSeptember 15, 2023
State Wetumpka neo-confederate gathering shares “strategy” to “fight for our freedom” The conference featured numerous speakers labeled by the Southern Poverty Law Center as extremists. Jacob HolmesAugust 23, 2023
State “National” neo-Confederate conference to be held in Wetumpka The SCC, labeled a hate group by the SPLC, states its goal is to re-establish an "independant (sic) Southern republic.” Jacob HolmesAugust 16, 2023
State Patriot Front resurfaces in Birmingham The hate group has been most active in Birmingham, focusing mostly on graffiti and vandalism. Members recently protested a Prattville pride picnic in person. Jacob HolmesAugust 8, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Why it took so long for Tuberville to denounce white nationalists As ridiculous as Tuberville’s various public declarations about white supremacy were, the truth is he wasn’t the first. David PersonJuly 21, 2023
Legislature Bill banning “divisive concepts” such as CRT criticized by teachers, officials Critics say the bill chills difficult discussions about the reality of America's past abuses and failures. Jacob HolmesFebruary 24, 2022
Opinion Opinion | “The Heart of Dixie” a lost cause The Heart of Dixie reference is a nod to white slaveholders and does not represent modern-day Alabamians. Merika ColemanJanuary 26, 2022
Legislature Committee approves plan to remove racist language from state constitution The plan, which also reorganizes the amendments, has to be approved by the Legislature and voters. Josh MoonNovember 4, 2021