Elections SPLC accuses Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen for providing faulty voter info SPLC says Alabama Secretary of State sent erroneous voter info to more than 5,000 Montgomery County voters. Josh MoonMarch 5, 2024
Elections Secretary of State Wes Allen launches Heroes at the Polls initiative Heroes at the Polls encourages veterans to request to be appointed as a poll worker. StaffFebruary 2, 2024
Featured Opinion Opinion | Alabama Republicans are trying to stop you from voting — again Alabama Republicans have another bill to criminalize assisting someone with an absentee ballot, because they're scared of high voter turnout Josh MoonOctober 23, 2023
Elections Allen discontinues mobile voter app The app was implemented to help Alabamians register to vote and obtain information about their polling place. Patrick DarringtonSeptember 25, 2023
Congress Sewell: SCOTUS decision a “historic victory” for Black voters in Alabama “Today was a historic win,” Sewell said. "It was a win for democracy itself.” Patrick DarringtonJune 9, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | A way to honor America’s fallen service members Educated political engagement is one of the best ways to protect the democracy for which those service members fought. Josh MoonMay 29, 2023
Legislature Senate Committee OKs bill criminalizing absentee ballot assistance The bill would criminalize several forms of assistance in absentee ballot voting. Patrick DarringtonMay 24, 2023
State Alabama Association Board of Registrars releases required qualifications The association released the required qualifications that one must have to become a registrar in Alabama. StaffApril 28, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Government by minority rule In Alabama, a tiny fraction of voters runs the show, despite the groans from literally everyone else. Josh MoonMarch 6, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Most of Alabama’s problems can be solved by political engagement Politicians get away with awful laws, terrible taxes and behaving like children because we don't force them to be better. Josh MoonDecember 12, 2022