Congress Tuberville cosponsors the Metropolitan Statistical Preservation Act Alabama cities would be directly impacted if they were to lose MSA designation. Brandon MoseleyJuly 15, 2021
Elections Katie Britt campaign raises over $2.2 million in first three weeks The first-time candidate saw 90 percent of her quarterly contributions come from Alabamians. Charlie WalkerJuly 6, 2021
Elections Senate candidate Katie Britt campaigns in St. Clair County “I want to be a senator who is not just from here, but who is for here,” Senate candidate Katie Boyd Britt said. Brandon MoseleyJune 25, 2021
Congress Katie Britt announces U.S. Senate candidacy "We don’t just need a senator from Alabama, we need a Senator for Alabama.” Charlie WalkerJune 8, 2021
Elections Katie Boyd Britt resigns from BCA: A precursor to Senate bid? “One of my greatest prides at BCA has been bringing the previously forgotten back into the fold our small businesses on Main Street, and... StaffJune 1, 2021
Elections Donald Trump endorses Mo Brooks for U.S. Senate Former President Donald Trump endorsed Congressman Mo Brooks, R-Alabama, in his bid for U.S. Senate. Bill BrittApril 7, 2021
Elections Congresswoman Terri Sewell will not run for Senate Sewell announced she will not be a candidate for the Alabama Senate seat in 2022. Brandon MoseleyMarch 25, 2021
Congress Merrill, 15 other secretaries of state write in objection to the For the People Act "We firmly believe the authority to legislate and regulate these changes should be left with the states," the secretaries wrote. John H. GlennFebruary 24, 2021
Elections Lynda Blanchard announces candidacy for Alabama U.S. Senate seat Blanchard has personally made an initial $5 million deposit to her Senate campaign committee, her campaign said Thursday. Eddie BurkhalterFebruary 18, 2021
Congress Sen. Richard Shelby says he won’t seek re-election in 2022 "For everything, there is a season," Sen. Richard Shelby said. Eddie BurkhalterFebruary 8, 2021