National Roby warns Americans to be careful this Thanksgiving Congresswoman Roby urged Alabamians to adjust Thanksgiving holiday activities to avoid spreading the coronavirus. Brandon MoseleyNovember 25, 2020
News Walker County Public Fishing Lake being stocked with Rainbow Trout The lake will reopen for trout season on Friday, Nov. 27. The daily creel limit is four trout per angler. Brandon MoseleyNovember 24, 2020
News Special waterfowl hunting days announced for youth, veterans and active military personnel On those days, military personnel on active duty, veterans and youth under age 16 who are accompanied by a licensed adult hunter may hunt... Brandon MoseleyNovember 20, 2020
National Coronavirus is setting new records Coronavirus cases aren’t just on the rise in a number of hot spots. They are increasing in nearly every single state. Brandon MoseleyNovember 16, 2020
News U.S. sets new record for number of coronavirus cases Thursday More than 3.3 million Americans are currently dealing with active coronavirus infections. Brandon MoseleyNovember 6, 2020
National Alabama’s COVID deaths were up in October October’s 427 deaths is an increase of 14.5 percent from September, during which 373 Alabamians died. Brandon MoseleyNovember 3, 2020
Health CDC issues Halloween guidance “Traditional Halloween activities are fun, but some can increase the risk of getting or spreading COVID-19 or influenza,” the CDC warned. Brandon MoseleyOctober 31, 2020
News We are near “a dangerous tipping point” with coronavirus: former FDA head The state of Alabama is following a national trend of surging cases in October. Brandon MoseleyOctober 26, 2020
Environment Interior Department designates new national recreational trail in Alabama The designation is part of a broader national announcement that establishes 30 new national recreation trails in 25 states, adding more than 1,275 miles... Brandon MoseleyOctober 23, 2020
National Alabama Lt. Governor Will Ainsworth tests positive for COVID-19 Ainsworth is the only state constitutional officer in Alabama known to have contracted the coronavirus to this point in the public health crisis. Brandon MoseleyOctober 21, 2020