Thursday, U.S. Sen. Doug Jones, D-Alabama, and colleagues introduced the bipartisan Family Farmer Relief Act of 2019 to help family farms reorganize after falling...
The Alabama House Judiciary Committee voted Wednesday to advance HB 49, which would expand Alabama’s existing Stand Your Ground law. The current law establishes...
The Elmore County Republican Party met for their first annual banquet on Tuesday at the Millbrook Civic Center. Congressman Bradley Byrne, R-Alabama, was the...
Thursday, U.S. Senators Doug Jones, D-Alabama and Pat Toomey, R-Pennsylvania, introduced bipartisan legislation that ensures restaurants and retailers can take full advantage of a...
Roy Moore attorney Melissa Isaak and the Moore legal defense team fought back against the perception that Moore is attacking Leigh Corfman’s character. The...
According to State Auditor Jim Zeigler, the Alabama Senate Transportation and Energy Committee will hold a public hearing and vote on Gov. Kay Ivey’s...
Friday, the Alabama House of Representatives passed three bills dealing with infrastructure including legislation to raise the state’s fuel taxes from 18 cents per...