Congress Tuberville: Wars in Ukraine, Middle East “created” by Democrats “They need to be worried about ... the wars that their side, the Democrats and Joe Biden, have created," Tuberville said. Patrick DarringtonOctober 30, 2023
National Tuberville and White House in dispute over Israel Tuberville seemed to caution against “picking sides” because of how the situation in the Middle East could spiral. Patrick DarringtonOctober 17, 2023
News Report: Tuberville got financial support from defense contractors amid confirmations hold A report by KnowTheCeo found that some of the world’s largest military contractors have made political donations to the senator. Patrick DarringtonOctober 11, 2023
Congress Tuberville continues military hold amid growing Israel-Palestine conflict Tuberville began blocking military promotions in March and has since held up over 300 military promotions. Patrick DarringtonOctober 9, 2023
State Has Tuberville or his foundation given money to veterans recently? It is unclear. Is U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville donating his salary to veterans like he promised? Patrick DarringtonSeptember 28, 2023
Congress Tuberville’s military hold causing GOP division, more criticism from military personnel Even with criticism from acting military service members, the senator has drawn some allies and is holding steadfast to his strategy. Patrick DarringtonSeptember 18, 2023
Opinion Opinion | Of course the Space Command decision was political Yes, Colorado got to keep the Space Command name because of politics. Steve FlowersSeptember 13, 2023
National Military service secretaries: Tuberville’s blockade is hurting national security Even as pressure mounts against Tuberville, the senator has stated he is prepared to continue his current strategy. Patrick DarringtonSeptember 7, 2023
Congress Tuberville’s stock trading raises questions about potential insider trading Questions are swirling over whether Tuberville’s recent stock trades are an example of insider trading. Patrick DarringtonAugust 21, 2023
Aerospace and Defense Tuberville’s military blockade creating dangerous situation at home and in Persian Gulf Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin wrote in a memo that Tuberville's "unprecedented, across-the-board hold is having a cascading effect." Patrick DarringtonAugust 7, 2023