Former Gov. Robert Bentley received an invitation to Gov. Kay Ivey’s inauguration ceremony and the formal party that follows later in the evening, according...
In the 2015 Alabama Legislative Session, the Legislature passed legislation that required all county candidates and political action committees running for public office to...
Last week, Alton Starling, who is running for Pike County Probate Judge as a Republican, encouraged a group of Democrat-leaning individuals at a house...
GOP gubernatorial candidate Scott Dawson on Thursday said Gov. Kay Ivey’s most recent ad, which gives Ivey credit for fighting corruption and cleaning up...
By Chip Brownlee Alabama Political Reporter In the wake of months of sexual harassment and assault allegations against high-profile politicians and public figures across...
By Bill Britt Alabama Political Reporter Several high ranking lawmakers have confirmed to the Alabama Political Reporter that Gov. Kay Ivey will run for Governor...