Featured Opinion Opinion | The Great Regression of women’s rights If Roe falls, it will be one of the single largest rollbacks of personal rights in American history. Josh MoonMay 3, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | Alabama doesn’t need any more abortion laws The state has already taken aim at Roe v. Wade — anything else is either genuinely misguided or political posturing. Jacob HolmesFebruary 25, 2022
Legislature Alabama abortion ban author cautions against following Texas’ example Attorney Eric Johnston, president of the Alabama Pro-Life Coalition, says the new law “violates the basic tenets of legal procedures in this country.” Jacob HolmesJanuary 7, 2022
Congress Alabama GOP congressmen vote against Democrats’ abortion bill The bill narrowly passed the House and now moves to the Senate. Brandon MoseleySeptember 27, 2021
Congress Sewell applauds passage of the Women’s Health Protection Act The bill is designed to override state-level laws limiting abortion availability. Brandon MoseleySeptember 27, 2021
Opinion Opinion | Gov. Ivey: Let’s empower women and be a voice for unborn children "As long as I am governor, Alabama will continue forging a path for women and the unborn." Kay IveySeptember 14, 2021
National Supreme Court allows Texas fetal heartbeat bill to take effect If the Supreme Court ultimately allows Texas to prevail in this case, the state of Alabama and many red states are sure to follow. Brandon MoseleySeptember 2, 2021
National Conservative groups file briefs asking Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade The Alabama Center for Law and Liberty filed an amicus curiae brief in the United States Supreme Court, asking it to overrule Roe v.... Brandon MoseleyJuly 30, 2021
Governor Gov. Kay Ivey asks SCOTUS to overturn Roe v. Wade Ivey and 11 other Republican governors are seeking to overturn the landmark abortion case. Eddie BurkhalterJuly 29, 2021
Legislature House committee gives favorable report to “born alive” bill “The born alive” bill, House Bill 237, is sponsored by State Rep. Ginny Shaver, R-Leesburg. Brandon MoseleyFebruary 25, 2021