Legislature House committee holds public hearing on riot bill The bill would change the definition of rioting, add penalties and require a 24-hour hold for anyone arrested for rioting without a hearing or... Eddie BurkhalterFebruary 3, 2022
Public safety Governor awards grants to fight illegal drugs and crime Ivey awarded $202,557 each to the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency and the state’s seven regional drug task forces. StaffJanuary 13, 2022
Health Alabama Democrats: Mandates aren’t new, save lives In a statement responding to Gov. Ivey's executive order, the ADP says vaccine mandates have been in place for generations. Josh MoonOctober 26, 2021
Local news Birmingham City Council approves Woodfin’s 2022 budget The council approved the budget on an 8 to 0 vote. Brandon MoseleyJune 30, 2021
Legislature House passes bill to require reduced speed in school zones The bill would mandate reduced speed zones around all public and private schools. Brandon MoseleyMarch 15, 2021
Legislature Alabama House passes several criminal justice-related bills The bills address community corrections, judicial discretion in sentencing and the cost of housing state inmates in county jails. Eddie BurkhalterFebruary 24, 2021
Public safety Letter to lawmakers: Repeal Alabama’s Habitual Felony Offender Act 165 former judges and prosecutors, professors and public defenders signed on in support of Rep. Chris England's bill to repeal HFOA. Eddie BurkhalterFebruary 22, 2021
Legislature Lawmaker sponsors bill to increase penalties for rioters The bill also creates the new crime of assault against a first responder in the first and second degrees. Brandon MoseleyFebruary 18, 2021
Legislature Habitual offender law repeal parked in a subcommittee The Habitual Felony Offender Act was aimed at stopping crime by giving a life sentence to anyone with three serious felonies. Brandon MoseleyFebruary 4, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Public safety or political pandering? "Perilous situations require sacrifice, and true leaders do what's right, not what's poll-tested." Bill BrittDecember 14, 2020