Elections Democratic gubernatorial candidate Yolanda Flowers backed by Democrats for Life In an interview with APR, Flowers tended to oppose abortion legislation, instead suggesting the issue should be left to "God's judgment." Jacob HolmesMay 31, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | Republicans are destroying the abortion debate by using it as a football The politicization of abortion, and the hyperfocus on its legal status, has supremely damaged the debate of abortion on its merits. Jacob HolmesMay 23, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | We need a fact-based conversation about abortion Each time it re-enters the news cycle, we dig in our heels and revive the argument. David PersonMay 12, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | Alabama doesn’t need any more abortion laws The state has already taken aim at Roe v. Wade — anything else is either genuinely misguided or political posturing. Jacob HolmesFebruary 25, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | There is no sanctity of life in Alabama Despite all the bluster about protecting life, Alabama is one of the deadliest states in America. Josh MoonDecember 2, 2021
Congress Alabama GOP congressmen vote against Democrats’ abortion bill The bill narrowly passed the House and now moves to the Senate. Brandon MoseleySeptember 27, 2021
Congress Sewell applauds passage of the Women’s Health Protection Act The bill is designed to override state-level laws limiting abortion availability. Brandon MoseleySeptember 27, 2021
National Supreme Court allows Texas fetal heartbeat bill to take effect If the Supreme Court ultimately allows Texas to prevail in this case, the state of Alabama and many red states are sure to follow. Brandon MoseleySeptember 2, 2021
Legislature Senate committee advances “born alive” abortion bill The legislation would make it a class A felony in Alabama for a physician not to provide competent care. Brandon MoseleyApril 13, 2021
Legislature House committee gives favorable report to “born alive” bill “The born alive” bill, House Bill 237, is sponsored by State Rep. Ginny Shaver, R-Leesburg. Brandon MoseleyFebruary 25, 2021