Featured Opinion Opinion | The underlying problems of Alabama prisons are evident in the Lett case "A war veteran had his bond revoked because of a paperwork error. The callous handling of it sums up Alabama's awful corrections system." Josh MoonApril 5, 2021
Health Some, but not all, Alabama inmates to be offered COVID-19 vaccines The Alabama Department of Corrections still hasn't said when all incarcerated people will be offered vaccines. Eddie BurkhalterMarch 31, 2021
Legislature Alabama House approves bill expanding early release, supervision of inmates Rep. Jim Hill's bill makes retroactive a 2015 law that mandates early release and supervision for some. Eddie BurkhalterMarch 17, 2021
Legislature Alabama House to consider bill to create check on costly contracts The bill comes after much concern from lawmakers over Gov. Kay Ivey's estimated $3.7 billion prison plan. Eddie BurkhalterMarch 2, 2021
Prisons Alabama inmate death being investigated as possible suicide Travis Jackson, 43, was found unresponsive on his cell at the Fountain Correctional Facility in Atmore on Feb. 9. Eddie BurkhalterFebruary 26, 2021
Legislature Alabama House passes several criminal justice-related bills The bills address community corrections, judicial discretion in sentencing and the cost of housing state inmates in county jails. Eddie BurkhalterFebruary 24, 2021
Legislature Two bills would expand community corrections, enhance specialized courts St. Clair County's drug and veterans courts have a combined 96 percent success rate at preventing recidivism. Eddie BurkhalterFebruary 23, 2021
Public safety Letter to lawmakers: Repeal Alabama’s Habitual Felony Offender Act 165 former judges and prosecutors, professors and public defenders signed on in support of Rep. Chris England's bill to repeal HFOA. Eddie BurkhalterFebruary 22, 2021
Prisons Governor awards grant for drug rehabilitation in state prisons The Residential Substance Abuse Treatment program is a volunteer six-month course. StaffFebruary 19, 2021
Public safety Black Alabamians are four times more likely to be jailed for marijuana Alabama has the 16th-highest disparity in the country, according to a recent report. Brandon MoseleyFebruary 17, 2021