News Clean Up Alabama hosts roundtable in Prattville The discussion continued the group’s trend of focusing on children’s books containing “gender ideology." Jacob HolmesNovember 3, 2023
Local news Prattville library will require children under 16 to be accompanied by parent/guardian The board said this is in response to parents' request for more parental control of what their children read. Jacob HolmesSeptember 8, 2023
State Inside Clean Up Alabama’s plan to jail librarians for giving LGBTQ+ books to kids If Clean Up Alabama were to meet its goals, librarians would face up to a year in jail for having LGBTQ books on the... Jacob HolmesSeptember 7, 2023
Local news Prattville council votes down library contract Supporters of the library walked in opposition to the contract, and spoke out against moving books at the council meeting. Jacob HolmesSeptember 6, 2023
Courts Alabama Patriot Front leader convicted in Idaho Wesley Van Horn was convicted Friday of conspiracy to riot in Couer d'Alene, Idaho. Jacob HolmesAugust 14, 2023
Party politics ALGOP joins discourse criticizing LGBTQ content in public libraries A proposed resolution calls for the Alabama Public Library Service to cut ties with the American Library Association. Jacob HolmesAugust 7, 2023
Local news Prattville library challengers recruiting people to negatively review books The group is assigning books to be reviewed and instructing reviewers to use verbiage that aligns with Alabama anti-obscenity law. Jacob HolmesJuly 13, 2023
State Leaked Patriot Front communications reveal Huntsville man’s application The man indicated he works for a Department of Defense contractor in missile systems and noted Jews as the major threat to America. Jacob HolmesJuly 4, 2023
Public safety Did Patriot Front members in Prattville skirt KKK-era anti-masking law? The Georgia Supreme Court ruled, "A nameless, faceless figure strikes terror in the human heart. But, remove the mask, and the nightmarish form is... Jacob HolmesJuly 3, 2023
State Hate unmasked: APR investigation reveals identity of Prattville Patriot Front leader The latest information shows Van Horn as the regional leader over Alabama. Jacob HolmesJune 28, 2023