Featured Opinion Opinion | It’s chicken dancing season Election season in Alabama turns up the heat on the newest batch of dancing chickens Josh MoonOctober 21, 2021
Opinion Opinion | The perpetual winner Countless books and articles explore the Churchill legacy, but perhaps his greatest attribute is that he followed his own advice. Will SellersOctober 18, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | By playing politics with COVID, Alabama is killing its citizens "Alabama needs fearless leadership right now, not pandering to denial and defiance." David PersonSeptember 16, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Summer political happenings "Most of the horses are in the chute for the May 24, 2022, primary election. So let the fun begin." Steve FlowersAugust 18, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Are there not things in this life worth losing for? "We are in need of political leaders who are willing to ensure that every citizen is represented, not just the ones that elect them." Bill BrittMarch 24, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Birmingham’s political inside man "A good many of Alabama’s political leaders have found their way to the home of 'ole' Joe Fuller." Steve FlowersMarch 10, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | The laziest man in politics He hasn’t bothered to learn even the most basic things about our government, our laws or the state he plans to represent. Josh MoonOctober 2, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | All politics is local. All of Alabama’s mayors races this year With it being a presidential election year and an election for one of our United States Senate Seats and all of the interest that... Steve FlowersSeptember 23, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | The American way The politics of hate and fear are as old as humankind but have become even more hardened here in the United States over the... Bill BrittAugust 31, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | What the politics of fear has cost us We bought a boat. That’s what hundreds of people in Alabama did. They all chipped in and bought a nice, big boat for a... Josh MoonAugust 21, 2020