By Bill Britt Alabama Political Reporter MONTGOMERY—Due to gross mismanagement of the CARES system, not only are Alabama’s most needy citizens in danger of...
By Bill Britt Alabama Political Reporter MONTGOMERY—Under the banner of “streamlining government,” Governor Robert Bentley issued Executive Order 44 on June 30, 2014. EO44...
By Susan Britt Alabama Political Reporter MONTGOMERY—On Wednesday, the bill proposing use of BP Settlement funds to pay back debt to the General Fund,...
By Bill Britt Alabama Political Reporter Medicaid is funded for 2017, with $105 million for 2018, which gives legislators an opportunity to do nothing...
By Bill Britt Alabama Political Reporter MONTGOMERY—Will blame, incrimination and meddling be the legacy of the circular firing squad known as the 2016 Special...
By Bill Britt Alabama Political Reporter MONTGOMERY—State Auditor Jim Zeigler believes, if a proposed BP bill fails, the entire Legislative Session will be a...
By Bill Britt Alabama Political Reporter MONTGOMERY—There is plenty of anger for not passing legislation to allow the people an opportunity to vote on...
By Beth Clayton Alabama Political Reporter I usually follow the #ALpolitics hashtag on Twitter, and it’s usually good for up-to-date news and up-to-date laughs....
By Brandon Moseley Alabama Political Reporter Thursday, August 25, as the debate in the Alabama House of Representatives raged on, about what their version...