Featured Opinion Opinion | There is no easy or quick fix for Alabama’s gambling situation The AG's office announced it raided a casino that was "shut down" by authorities just over a year ago. That's the state's gambling problem... Josh MoonNovember 30, 2023
Legislature Ledbetter supports major gambling bill, aims to end illegal operations in Alabama Alabama may be poised to resolve the long-standing debate on gaming and finally let its people decide. Bill BrittNovember 28, 2023
Legislature A comprehensive gambling bill with something new — a chance Lots of gambling bills have come up over the years in the Legislature, but very few did so with House leadership support. Josh MoonNovember 15, 2023
Legislature Alabama’s gambling impasse: It’s not the Baptists, it’s the lobbyists Gambling legislation this session is unlikely, but a group of lawmakers, with House leadership's encouragement, are crafting a potential bill. Josh MoonApril 4, 2023
Opinion Opinion | It is time for Alabamians to reap lottery benefits We need to keep this money in state for our educational and Medicaid funding rather than giving our money away. Steve FlowersMarch 1, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Gov. Ivey is right about gambling. Now, fix it. Ivey has been outspoken about wanting to fix the gambling problem in this state. Now is the time. Josh MoonFebruary 2, 2023
State Legislative panel talks 2023 priorities with county commissions Lawmakers emphasized allocating remaining ARPA funds, addressing gaming, and changing the way registrars are handled. Jacob HolmesDecember 8, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | Someone, please, fix our gambling problems For purely political reasons, we have the dumbest gambling laws in America, costing us billions and punishing our poorest citizens. Josh MoonOctober 3, 2022
News Analysis | How more is less when it comes to gambling in Alabama A "lottery only" bill would leave the state with more casino gaming than the comprehensive bill Josh MoonMarch 29, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | A “clean lottery” is incredibly stupid There is a proposal that would allow for only a "clean lottery" — an idea that would cost us $500 million and 12,000 jobs. Josh MoonMarch 22, 2022