The District Attorney for Marengo, Greene and Sumter Counties, Greg Griggers, was ambushed outside of his Demopolis office by a suspect Thursday. The attempted...
Friday, Alabama’s three U.S. Attorneys released a statement detailing their efforts over the last year to combat Alabama’s violent crime problem. One year ago,...
Monday, United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions (R) was in Hoover to address a Department of Justice National Public Safety Partnership Symposium. Sessions told...
Wednesday, Congressman Mo Brooks, R-Huntsville, supported by fellow Congressmen and backed by 50 sheriffs from across America, led a news conference on the U.S....
Two years ago, I joined other Republican House members in unveiling our “Better Way” agenda. The agenda covered everything from national security to tax...
This week, the Murfreesboro, Tennessee, PD stated that the death of Bridget Gentry Marshall, wife of Attorney General Steve Marshall, was an open investigation,...
The investigation into the death of Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall’s wife remains an open case in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and police officials there would...
Robert Bentley is being sued. Again. Alabama’s former governor, who is currently in the midst of a defamation lawsuit for allegedly spreading false information...