By Bill Britt Alabama Political Reporter MONTGOMERY—Will blame, incrimination and meddling be the legacy of the circular firing squad known as the 2016 Special...
By Susan Britt Alabama Political Reporter MONTGOMERY—On Wednesday, the Alabama Supreme Court (ASC) granted a stay, before the deadline, for a response from the...
By Bill Britt Alabama Political Reporter MONTGOMERY—In a surprising move on Thursday, Governor Robert Bentley signed Executive Order 13 which overturned Executive Order 1...
By Bill Britt Alabama Political Reporter MONTGOMERY—A statewide poll commissioned by the Alabama Political Reporter shows Governor Bentley is still very popular, but not...
By Bill Britt Alabama Political Reporter MONTGOMERY—Lobbyists for the Poarch Creek Indians (PCI) have reportedly been telling members in the State’s House of Representatives...
By Bill Britt Alabama Political Reporter MONTGOMERY—In a stunning move of political one-upsmanship, Speaker of the House Mike Hubbard announced that the House...
By Susan BrittAlabama Political Reporter MONTGOMERY—Tuesday, Senate President Pro Tem Del Marsh (R-Anniston) proposed a bill that would allow the Alabama voters to decide...