Economy Clean water advocates want a comprehensive water plan for Alabama that creates jobs Under new leadership, a plan for preserving clean water and fair access to it may be within reach in Alabama. Micah DanneyDecember 2, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | Ivey sends the wrong message at the wrong time on in-person learning "Ivey came with a message to get back in there and try harder — as if more trying is what our schools and teachers... Josh MoonDecember 2, 2020
Governor Governor issues statement urging school systems to return for in-person learning The governor urged local school districts to resume in-person instruction. StaffDecember 2, 2020
News “A tidal wave:” ICU beds scarce as Alabama breaks another hospitalization record Infectious diseases experts worry if hospitals will have enough staff to handle "what might be a tidal wave of patients in the next month.” Eddie BurkhalterDecember 1, 2020
National Last Conversations: Dr. Frank Lockwood At the time of those texts, I had no clue that I’d never speak with my brother again. Robert LockwoodDecember 1, 2020
Environment Alabama Political Reporter partners with Covering Climate Now We’re making a commitment to inform you, our readers, about the parts of climate change that are within your spheres of influence. Eddie BurkhalterDecember 1, 2020
National This day in 1955, Rosa Parks changed history The world will long remember Parks's courage in the face of injustice. StaffDecember 1, 2020
Health Alabama sees record number of COVID-19 hospitalizations Monday “What we can still control is Christmas,” Dr. Don Williamson said. “We can still control what hospital beds are going to look like in... Eddie BurkhalterNovember 30, 2020
Health Mental Health Commissioner Lynn Beshear to retire Dec. 16 Under Beshear’s leadership, the Alabama Department of Mental Health launched Stepping Up Alabama, aimed at reducing the number of people in jails who have... Eddie BurkhalterNovember 30, 2020
Corruption Opinion | Alabama’s public corruption problem might just be hopeless "Mike Hubbard committed crimes with the solitary intention of illegally enriching himself." Josh MoonNovember 30, 2020