Congress members Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville), Martha Roby (R-Montgomery), and Robert Aderholt (R-Haleyville) have been named as “Guardians of Small Business” by the National Federation...
Tuesday, U.S. Senator Richard Shelby (R-Alabama) announced that the Huntsville-Madison County Airport Authority will receive a $29.115 million federal Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grant...
On Friday, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey (R) announced that Global Trade, a publication focusing on international business, selected Alabama as the nation’s top state...
Monday, Congresswoman Martha Roby, R-Montgomery, said in an email to constituents that recent economic growth numbers are, “proof that our pro-growth policies are working.”...
Tuesday Alabama Governor Kay Ivey (R) announced that Business Facilities Magazine, an economic development-focused publication, ranked Alabama’s business climate at the top among the...
Monday Congressman Mike Rogers, R-Saks, praised the benefits that Alabamians are seeing from the Republican tax cuts. “Last year, Congress took up the daunting...
By Brandon Moseley Alabama Political Reporter Alabama has never experienced a jobs market this robust. Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey announced Monday that Alabama’s preliminary,...
By Brandon Moseley Alabama Political Reporter Friday, December 22, 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, HR1, into law. ...
By Brandon Moseley Alabama Political Reporter Congress is on the verge of passing the largest tax reform package since 1986, slashing corporate and individual...
By Brandon Moseley Alabama Political Reporter Wednesday, U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Saks, said that hard working American families deserve to take home more of...