Featured Opinion Opinion | Trump’s fever dream, America’s nightmare The new Republican platform tells every American what to expect from a second Trump term: four more years of government-by-tweet. Chance PhillipsJuly 10, 2024
Featured Opinion Opinion | Tuberville’s defense of Trump aims to erode rule of law Tuberville's defense of Trump undermines the rule of law, signaling MAGA's dangerous shift towards dismantling justice for political power. Bill BrittMay 17, 2024
News RNC sets Dec. 6 date for fourth 2024 primary debate in Tuscaloosa GOP to host historic presidential debate in Alabama amidst Trump’s legal challenges. Bill BrittNovember 3, 2023
Elections Alabama Republican House delegation, others endorse Trump despite federal charges Along with the six members of the Republican House delegation, Trump has also received endorsements from five more Alabama elected officials. Patrick DarringtonAugust 4, 2023
President Trump indicted in special counsel probe into 2020 election interference This is the third indictment of the former President, which together include more than 40 separate charges. Jacob HolmesAugust 1, 2023
News More details emerge in politico Perry O. Hooper’s arrest Hooper "grabbed the victim's breasts and waist while shoving his pelvis into the victim's backside." Bill BrittAugust 24, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | Democrats: Mostly talk and very little walk So, supporters of reproductive freedom for women, for asylum in the United States, for treating marginalized citizens anywhere near equal to our wealthiest and... Joey KennedyMay 7, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | The Christmas wish Christmas is a time for optimism. The New Year, a marker for self-evaluation and starting over and, with our resolutions, for looking forward. Joey KennedyDecember 19, 2021
Elections Merrill meets with Trump to discuss election integrity Merrill says Trump praised Alabama as a standard for other states. Jacob HolmesDecember 3, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Sunday brunch: Questions, but few answers “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” Joey KennedyOctober 17, 2021