Opinion Opinion | The Supreme Court’s decision has deepened discrimination in our state In Alabama and the rest of the nation – when it comes to voting rights – we’ve still got a long way to go.... David PersonFebruary 14, 2022
Education U.S. Dept. of Education opens discrimination investigation at Alabama middle school A math teacher is accused of discrimination and retaliation against a Black student. Josh MoonNovember 25, 2021
Local news Alabama Center for Law and Liberty opposes Montgomery ordinance The proposed ordinance would make sexual orientation and gender identity protected classes under the law. Brandon MoseleyJuly 20, 2021
Courts SPLC applauds SCOTUS dismissal of transgender bathroom ban A Virginia school asked the court to allow it to stop a transgender boy from using the boys’ bathroom. Micah DanneyJune 30, 2021
Courts DOJ warns states against laws that discriminate against transgender youth The DOJ in court filings Thursday warned two states that laws there would not survive the legal challenges. Eddie BurkhalterJune 18, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Marginalized humans feel GOP’s wrath "The poor, the LGBTQ community, people of color, Muslims and immigrants — all have targets on their backs." Joey KennedyMay 14, 2021
Legislature House OKs bill to end organ transplant discrimination against people with disabilities The legislation is aimed at ending discrimination against people with disabilities in Alabama who need organ transplants. Brandon MoseleyMarch 31, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Appeals Court upholds sentence for Hispanic man who likely fell asleep driving "Relying on speculation and bad law, the court allowed an unjust conviction and sentence to stand." Josh MoonMarch 15, 2021
Opinion Opinion | Comprehensive sex-ed for all can improve people’s health Last July, I spoke with Sky H., a 20-year–old who identifies as non-binary and grew up in a very conservative rural town in the... Annerieke Smaak DanielAugust 6, 2020
Congress SPLC urges Congress to pass the “NO BAN Act” The Southern Poverty Law Center’s president and CEO, Margaret Huang, sent a letter to all members of Congress, urging representatives to support the “National... Brandon MoseleyJuly 21, 2020