News We are near “a dangerous tipping point” with coronavirus: former FDA head The state of Alabama is following a national trend of surging cases in October. Brandon MoseleyOctober 26, 2020
News Trump rallies supporters in Pensacola Trump was in Pensacola speaking to a large crowd of supporters in an effort to energize his base in the final days of the... Brandon MoseleyOctober 26, 2020
Health Alabama’s hospitalized COVID-19 patients Sunday at highest number since Sept. 2. It’s a trend that has public health officials and hospital staff concerned that the state may be headed for another surge. Eddie BurkhalterOctober 25, 2020
Health COVID-19 hospitalizations, new cases continue to rise The number of rising hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Alabama is a concerning sign of a possible coming surge of the disease, state health experts... Eddie BurkhalterOctober 23, 2020
Economy New unemployment claims decreased last week Fewer people joined the unemployment rolls last week compared to the week before. Micah DanneyOctober 23, 2020
News Marshall “pleased” with Supreme Court curbside voting decision The high court stayed a lower court ruling that allowed local election officials to implement curbside voting due to fears of the coronavirus. Brandon MoseleyOctober 23, 2020
Health Alabama’s COVID-19 hospitalizations, cases continue rise Average daily hospitalizations continue an ongoing increase as cases nationwide surge. Eddie BurkhalterOctober 22, 2020
Courts U.S. Supreme Court rules Alabama can ban curbside voting “The District Court’s modest injunction is a reasonable accommodation, given the short time before the election,” the three dissenting justices wrote. Eddie BurkhalterOctober 22, 2020
News Aderholt praises Trump for his “hard stances on trade” "The simple fact of the matter is that China needs to be held accountable for their actions on the world stage, and I believe... Brandon MoseleyOctober 22, 2020
National Alabama Lt. Governor Will Ainsworth tests positive for COVID-19 Ainsworth is the only state constitutional officer in Alabama known to have contracted the coronavirus to this point in the public health crisis. Brandon MoseleyOctober 21, 2020