Health Alabama’s COVID hospitalizations, positivity rate rising Alabama's positivity rate was 15 percent on Thursday, three times what public health officials say it should be. Eddie BurkhalterJune 3, 2022
Health More than 15 million in U.S. could lose Medicaid coverage without action Once the COVID public health emergency ends, millions will have to reapply for Medicaid or find coverage elsewhere. Eddie BurkhalterMay 19, 2022
Opinion Opinion | Putting the care back in healthcare The pandemic made evident the many gaps in Alabama’s healthcare system and it’s time for us to fix those gaps now. Rep. Ralph HowardApril 25, 2022
Health COVID mitigation for the World Games in Birmingham uncertain A World Games spokesman told APR that officials are monitoring COVID and will follow guidelines of local public health authorities. Eddie BurkhalterApril 25, 2022
News Opinion | Healthcare workers not immune to growing mental health crisis Medical professionals are not immune to the grief, trauma and isolation of the last two years. In fact, we have been right in the... Dr. Aruna AroraApril 14, 2022
Health Alabama State Health Officer tests positive for COVID Dr. Scott Harris, who is vaccinated and boosted, on Tuesday tested positive for COVID-19 on Tuesday but is exhibiting mild symptoms. Eddie BurkhalterApril 13, 2022
Health Uninsured Alabamians may soon have to pay for COVID tests, treatments Congress failed to approve additional COVID funding to pay for tests, treatments and vaccines, and the burden to pay for those is to fall... Eddie BurkhalterMarch 30, 2022
Corruption Senate bill would force doctors, pharmacies to provide off-label COVID-19 treatments There is no clear language in the bill defining any limitations of what FDA-approved medications could be claimed as a treatment for COVID-19. Jacob HolmesMarch 22, 2022
Legislature Senate committee OKs bill protecting doctors who provide “off-label” COVID treatments Doctors who have treated patients with medicine including Ivermectin and hydrochloryquine spoke in support of the bill. Jacob HolmesMarch 17, 2022
Health Governor awards $30 million to rural hospitals COVID recovery grants Alabama received $2.1 billion in American Rescue Plan Act funds. StaffMarch 15, 2022