Economy NFIB: Alabama small business would lose millions without COVID tax deduction Small businesses should be able to deduct forgiven expenses paid for with federal PPP loans on state income taxes, the NFIB says. StaffFebruary 3, 2021
Health Alabama’s COVID-19 vaccine eligibility check, scheduling website is live Users can schedule to be vaccinated, if their county has vaccine, and sign up to be notified when their county does have doses on... Eddie BurkhalterFebruary 2, 2021
Economy New unemployment claims decline slightly About half of the new claims are due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Micah DanneyFebruary 2, 2021
State Ivey praises National Guard troops after return from protecting Biden inauguration There is still a National Guard presence in Washington D.C. protecting the Capitol ahead of the former president's impeachment trial. Brandon MoseleyFebruary 1, 2021
Health UAB Hospital opening two more drive-thru vaccination sites UAB Hospitals two new vaccination sites will join the existing drive-thru location at UAB's Highland campus. Eddie BurkhalterJanuary 30, 2021
Health COVID vaccine is the best bet for pregnant women, UAB expert says While concerns about side effects can't be dismissed, there is broad consensus that the risks posed by the virus are far greater. Micah DanneyJanuary 30, 2021
Health Alabama expands vaccination eligibility, but supply remains low State Health Officer Dr. Scott Harris said the decision wasn't easy, as the supply of vaccines is still too low to meet demands. Eddie BurkhalterJanuary 29, 2021
Health UAB doctor: COVID vaccine is a “godsend.” Take it Vaccines have worked beyond anyone’s imagination, in terms of both efficacy and safety, Saag said. Josh MoonJanuary 29, 2021
Legislature Lawmaker pre-files bill to limit state’s authority to close businesses, churches in state of emergency HB103 would limit the current powers wielded by the governor and other public officials. Brandon MoseleyJanuary 29, 2021
National Brooks cosponsors bill to preserve immigration restrictions until after COVID crisis This bill preserves restrictions until state and federal lockdowns, stay-at-home orders, curfews and the like end. Brandon MoseleyJanuary 29, 2021