Legislature Senate passes bill curtailing powers of health officer, governor The Senate voted 24 to 8 to approve the bill, which now heads to the Alabama House. Eddie BurkhalterApril 1, 2021
Prisons PR firm’s contract for Alabama prisons held up in oversight committee Some members expressed concern that $1.5 million could be better spent on the state's prison crisis. Eddie BurkhalterApril 1, 2021
Health Alabama’s hospitals, nursing homes urge mask usage, issue reminders on visitation Association leaders say masks will continue to be an important weapon in decreasing the spread of the virus. StaffApril 1, 2021
Health Some, but not all, Alabama inmates to be offered COVID-19 vaccines The Alabama Department of Corrections still hasn't said when all incarcerated people will be offered vaccines. Eddie BurkhalterMarch 31, 2021
Health Tuskegee doctor on the front lines of COVID fight Dr. Deanah Maxwell Stafford believes that transparency is critical when talking about vaccines with patients. Eddie BurkhalterMarch 29, 2021
Economy February had Alabama’s lowest unemployment rate since pandemic started The seasonally adjusted rate was 4 percent last month and is expected to continue to drop, ADOL said. Micah DanneyMarch 29, 2021
Legislature Senate considering bill to set minimum standards for visitation A bill in the Alabama Senate would set minimum standards of visitation for patients in long-term care facilities. Brandon MoseleyMarch 29, 2021
Health Alabama community health centers get $92 million for COVID-19 fight Alabama's share is a portion of $6 billion in aid to community health centers nationwide for testing, treatment and vaccinations. Eddie BurkhalterMarch 26, 2021
Health UAB community vaccination sites closed Thursday due to weather The Weather Service predicts several storms across Central Alabama, with the threat of tornadoes and heavy winds. Eddie BurkhalterMarch 25, 2021
Congress Sewell leads bipartisan legislation to expand telehealth services for seniors The legislation is designed to ensure seniors in Medicare are able to access care through audio visits. Brandon MoseleyMarch 25, 2021