Health Ivey, Tuberville, Alabama House minority leader encourage COVID vaccinations Alabama hospitals' ICUs were at 99.3 percent capacity on Tuesday, with nearly half of all beds filled with COVID patients. Eddie BurkhalterSeptember 23, 2021
Health Alabama leads nation in recent COVID deaths per capita Alabama’s ICUs remain critically full at 99.3 percent capacity, with 42 percent of ICU patients having COVID-19. Eddie BurkhalterSeptember 22, 2021
Health Alabama’s COVID deaths increasing, state ICU beds at 98 percent capacity Alabama's official death toll jumped by 250 on Tuesday, and new daily cases remain high. Eddie BurkhalterSeptember 22, 2021
Governor Governor says the need for addressing prison conditions is urgent Ivey said the prison crisis is not the fault of any one administration, but is due to “decades upon decades of neglect.” Brandon MoseleySeptember 22, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | The doctors and scientists have been right all along "From the start of the pandemic, nearly every prediction and every piece of advice from most doctors and scientists have been spot on." Josh MoonSeptember 21, 2021
Health UAB doctors talk COVID, Pfizer’s vaccine safe and effective for 5-11 year olds The FDA could give emergency use authorization for the Pfizer vaccine for those aged 5 to 11 by the end of October. Eddie BurkhalterSeptember 20, 2021
Health Alabama Hospital Association: Federal COVID aid needed to help struggling hospitals Some Alabama hospitals are burning through reserves battling COVID, and the state's ICU bed crisis continues to threaten care for all patients. Eddie BurkhalterSeptember 20, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Who gets offended by the truth? "We’ve been mandating vaccines for public health reasons forever." Joey KennedySeptember 19, 2021
Health One in 390 Alabamians have died of COVID-19 COVID hospitalizations are down, but new daily cases remain high, and two hospitals are out of monoclonal antibody treatments. Eddie BurkhalterSeptember 17, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | By playing politics with COVID, Alabama is killing its citizens "Alabama needs fearless leadership right now, not pandering to denial and defiance." David PersonSeptember 16, 2021