Alabama took a strong step toward independence in its public schools this week when the State Senate approved legislation to repeal the Obama-era curriculum...
Senate President Pro Tempore Del Marsh, R-Anniston, and House Majority Leader Nathaniel Ledbetter, R-Rainsville, gave a joint presentation Saturday on the upcoming 2019 Regular...
Saturday, the Alabama Republican Party Executive Committee passed its first ever platform. The 550 member executive committee was meeting for their summer meeting on...
Saturday, August 25th the Alabama Republican State Executive Committee voted to adopt a platform for the Alabama Republican Party. The committee was at their...
Tuesday, Alabama State School Board Place 2 candidate Tracie West (R) was at Northport in Tuscaloosa County addressing the influential Alabama Republican Assembly. “I...
Tuesday, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey (R) announced a transition of leadership for the Alabama Workforce Council. Ivey announced that Tim McCartney, formerly of McCartney...