Municipal elections Jefferson County’s Citizen’s Coalition, Democratic Progressive Council endorse Woodfin Both groups are local and historic grassroots political organizations founded by prominent civil rights and civic leaders. Brandon MoseleyAugust 17, 2021
Opinion Opinion | Women are our own saviors. And we always have been "Gender equity is not inevitable. Achieving this bold and audacious vision requires not only evolution, but revolution." Melanie R. BridgeforthMarch 10, 2021
Education Jacksonville State renaming historic Bibb Graves Hall The 90-year-old structure and campus administration building will now be known as Angle Hall. StaffJanuary 27, 2021
State Alabama ranked below “basic equality” for LGBTQ residents The state is one of 27 that a leading anti-discrimination organization categorized as having inadequate protections. Micah DanneyJanuary 26, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | MLK Day is split in Alabama. That explains a lot about the insurrection "A day split between honoring MLK’s sacrifice and fight for equality, and Robert E. Lee, a murderous traitor and slaveowner." Josh MoonJanuary 18, 2021
Opinion Opinion | Record voter turnout in Alabama shows need for voting legislation "When Alabamians had reasonable and secure options to access the ballot, they exercised their right to vote in the highest numbers in state history." JaTaune BosbyNovember 19, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | Jim Martin: The father of modern Republican Party in Alabama "Martin was the John the Baptist of the Southern Republican sweep of 1964, and father of the modern Republican Party in Alabama." Steve FlowersNovember 11, 2020
Opinion Opinion | There’s still work to be done Last weekend should have been a shining moment for the state of Alabama, a celebration of the life and efforts of Congressman John Lewis... Sen. Chris ElliottAugust 3, 2020
Opinion Opinion | Alabama’s finest hour Progress for unity comes in fits and starts, Sunday in Alabama was a giant leap forward and a day that helps define our future. Will SellersJuly 29, 2020
News Four Alabama correctional officers indicted on federal charges connected to 2018 inmate beating The indictments come five days after the DOJ released a report detailing systemic violence against inmates at the hands of Alabama Department of Corrections... Eddie BurkhalterJuly 28, 2020