Health At least one of nine COVID-hospitalized children in Alabama on a ventilator As the delta variant spreads, Alabama's COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations are rising. Eddie BurkhalterJuly 16, 2021
News Opinion | Another report puts Alabama near the bottom. Something needs to change "We should be ashamed of how Alabama’s most innocent citizens are suffering. And if we’re not, shame on us." David PersonJune 29, 2021
Health Medical experts: Vaccines safe for children, critical to controlling virus’ spread COVID-19 is the 10th leading cause of death among minors in the U.S. Micah DanneyJune 2, 2021
Health CDC panel recommends Pfizer vaccine for 12- to 15-year-olds A UAB physician says getting young people vaccinated is critical in the state's fight against COVID-19. Eddie BurkhalterMay 12, 2021
Health FDA OKs Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for children 12 to 15 A CDC advisory panel is expected to meet Wednesday to review data and make recommendations for use among those 12 to 15. Eddie BurkhalterMay 11, 2021
State Study: Child abuse cost Alabama $3.7 billion in 2018 More than 10,000 children in Alabama are the victims of abuse and neglect each year. Eddie BurkhalterApril 22, 2021
News Second round of pandemic EBT benefits coming to eligible Alabama children Eligible households will receive EBT cards in the mail that can be used to purchase SNAP-eligible food items. StaffApril 15, 2021
Health Possible vaccinations of children at Birmingham site under review Currently, no COVID-19 vaccine has FDA authorization for those under the age of 16. Only Pfizer has authorization for 16 and up. Eddie BurkhalterApril 9, 2021
Health Birmingham nonprofit seeks funding for mobile hearing lab for children The Woolley Institute for Spoken Language hopes to expand services for children with hearing loss in rural areas. Eddie BurkhalterApril 7, 2021
News Quinton Ross: What should we tell our youth on the death of George Floyd? The following is Alabama State University President Quinton T. Ross Jr.’s statement in full on the death of George Floyd. For the past few... Quinton RossJune 1, 2020