The final batch of mandatory weekly campaign finance filings shows Republicans continuing to outraise Democrats in all but two of the major statewide races...
To this point in the 2018 election cycle, Republican candidates have raised $46,139,266, Democrats have raised just $13,728,473, and independent and third part candidates...
Alabama’s congressional incumbents continue to outraise and outspend their challengers. New Federal Election Commission (FEC) reports are in for the second quarter. Campaign finance...
There is at present a deliberate, brazen unraveling of the Republican’s signature 2010 legislation on ethics. Bastardization of the laws are not only happening...
Alabama candidates have filed their mandatory campaign finance reports over the month of September with the Alabama Secretary of State’s office. Alabama Republicans have...
Tuesday, both campaigns reported their end of month campaign finance filings to the Alabama Secretary of State’s office as required by law. Governor Kay...
According to the campaign filings with Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill’s (R) office, Republican nominee for lieutenant governor Will Ainsworth raised $94,550 in...
Democratic congressional candidate Peter Joffrion has refused corporate PAC contributions and calls on his opponent, Rep. Mo Brooks, R-Huntsville, to return $30,000 in money...