The nation is ten days into the partial government shutdown. On Thursday Smithsonian officials announces that, if it continues, they will not be able...
Congressmen Mo Brooks, R-Huntsville, and Bradley Byrne, R-Montrose, voted “Yes” Thursday on the House Amendment to H.R. 695 that provides $5.7 billion in border...
Wednesday, November 7 education employees will rally at the Alabama Supreme Court building in support of AEA’s 2016 lawsuit against PEEHIP. The Court is...
U.S. Mo Brooks, R-Huntsville, issued a warning about the potential for a “Debilitating National Insolvency and bankruptcy that robs America of the prosperity and...
Thursday, Congressman Gary Palmer (R-Hoover) introducing a new bill that would rescind the $1.6 billion in unobligated balances remaining in the United States Enrichment...
Friday, September 7, 2018 Congressional Candidate Peter Joffrion announced that he defends pay raises for federal civilian employees at Redstone Arsenal and across Madison...
Over the past few weeks, U.S. Representative Bradley Byrne, R-Montrose, has completed 12 town hall meetings in Alabama’s 1st Congressional District. The theme of...
Congressman Mike Rogers, who represents Alabama’s 3rd Congressional District, spoke to the Montgomery Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday at their monthly ‘Eggs and Issues’...