By Brandon Moseley Alabama Political Reporter RollCall is reporting that the President is unlikely to submit a budget to Congress by the deadline required...
By Brandon Moseley Alabama Political Reporter Congressman Spencer Bachus (R) from Vestavia announced in a written statement that he was an original cosponsor of...
By Brandon Moseley Alabama Political Reporter Over 180 economists, including several working for Alabama institutions of Higher Learning warn Congress of severe economic repercussions...
By Brandon Moseley Alabama Political Reporter U.S. Representative Mo Brooks (R) from Huntsville voted “No” on the Continuing Resolution, H.J.R. 117. In a written...
By Brandon Moseley Alabama Political Reporter A group called Arise Citizens’ Policy Project released a statement warning of the loss of federal funds for...
By Brandon Moseley Alabama Political Reporter U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R) from Alabama issued a written statement critical of recent statements by President Barack...
By Brandon Moseley Alabama Political Reporter Friday, Senator Jeff Sessions (R) from Alabama released a statement saying that the biggest mistake that President Obama...
By Brandon Moseley Alabama Political Reporter U.S. Representative Martha Roby recently wrote an editorial in ‘The Hill’ magazine with her concerns over automatic Defense...
By Brandon Moseley Alabama Political Reporter Tuesday, United States Senator Richard Shelby (R) from Alabama told a Senate Subcommittee: “I firmly support the full...
By Brandon Moseley Alabama Political Reporter United States Senator Jeff Sessions (R) from Alabama said that Sunday, April 29th, will mark the three year...