By Bill BrittAlabama Political Reporter MONTGOMERY—Former Gov. Bob Riley’s political action committee, Alabama 2014 PAC, raised $29,000 last week according to its FCPA report. Riley’s PAC...
By Bill Britt Alabama Political Reporter MONTGOMERY—Lately, a single issue looms largely over the State’s political and educational landscape. That issue, is the Common...
By Bill BrittAlabama Political Reporter Reprint from March 14, 2013 MONTGOMERY— For years, it was speculated that Mike Hubbard was given an unfair advantage...
By Bill Britt Alabama Political Reporter The following story is a reprint from March 20, 2013 MONTGOMERY—When Alabama House Speaker Mike Hubbard secretly obtained competitors’...
By Bill Britt Alabama Political Reporter MONTGOMERY—Senate District 30 candidate vows to give his legislative salary to first responders in his District. Republican Harris...
By Bill Britt Alabama Political Reporter Recent polling conducted by the Alabama Forestry Association shows Scott Beason is gaining momentum in the Sixth Congressional...
By Bill Britt Alabama Political Reporter MONTGOMERY—On Monday, the Alabama Foundation for Limited Government released a list of incumbent legislators and candidates who have...
By Bill Britt Alabama Political Reporter MONTGOMERY—Three new campaign commercials could be entitled, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. The Good Public Service...