Featured Opinion Opinion | They all know better. They simply do not care "This is what’s most politically expedient. And everything else, including the country itself, be damned." Josh MoonDecember 15, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | Just do the right thing, Gov. Ivey, even if they hate you for it "We have a bonafide emergency on our hands, and the governor has tied hers behind her back." Josh MoonDecember 9, 2020
Corruption Opinion | Alabama’s public corruption problem might just be hopeless "Mike Hubbard committed crimes with the solitary intention of illegally enriching himself." Josh MoonNovember 30, 2020
Governor Governor announces 3rd year of record Alabama foster care adoptions In the 2020 fiscal year, there were 814 foster care adoptions, which is an all-time record for the state. StaffNovember 25, 2020
Opinion Opinion | Record voter turnout in Alabama shows need for voting legislation "When Alabamians had reasonable and secure options to access the ballot, they exercised their right to vote in the highest numbers in state history." JaTaune BosbyNovember 19, 2020
Economy Governor announces $200 million “Revive Plus” small business grant program Revive Plus is the second wave of funding for organizations with 50 or fewer employees and will award grants of up to $20,000 for... StaffNovember 18, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | Jim Martin: The father of modern Republican Party in Alabama "Martin was the John the Baptist of the Southern Republican sweep of 1964, and father of the modern Republican Party in Alabama." Steve FlowersNovember 11, 2020
Opinion Opinion | High-speed broadband emerges as critical quality of life issue in Alabama "The need for a comprehensive statewide plan to provide high-speed, fiber-fed broadband internet connectivity to every Alabamian has never been more evident." Hu MeenaNovember 9, 2020
Elections Alabama Democratic leadership criticize Republicans for “undemocratic” comments What drew the ire of Democrats was a continuous series of statements alluding to fraud but providing no evidence. Josh MoonNovember 9, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | Alabama is truly a Republican State "The more things change the more they stay the same in politics." Steve FlowersNovember 4, 2020