Featured Opinion Opinion | Montgomery Court’s action in cannabis case may signal a brewing storm As we watch this drama unfold, one can't help but ponder the ramifications of this decision. Bill BrittJanuary 5, 2024
Courts Judge halts Alabama medical cannabis licenses for a third time The flawed and beleagured medical cannabis licensure process has hit yet another legal snag. Josh MoonJanuary 4, 2024
State Judge allows cannabis licensing to move forward This is the third round of license awards by the AMCC, but the first time the issuance was not stayed by the court. Brandon MoseleyDecember 29, 2023
State Court grants temporary restraining order on cannabis dispensary licenses The ruling effectively puts a hold on the issuance of licenses in the dispensary category. Bill BrittDecember 29, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Trouble brewing (again) for Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission The AMCC's licensing process has been shady from the start, and now it's allegedly attracting attention from investigators. Josh MoonDecember 19, 2023
State Medical Cannabis Commission awards licenses amid controversy, procedural questions As Alabama's medical cannabis industry takes shape, the actions of the AMCC continue to be a focal point of scrutiny and debate. Bill BrittDecember 13, 2023
State Medical Cannabis Commission awards integrated licenses after rule changes Time will tell whether these five awards stick, as all previous attempts to do so have been nullified after litigation. Jacob HolmesDecember 13, 2023
Courts Alabama medical cannabis license process under legal scrutiny: Judge denies TRO The ruling allows the commission to proceed with its planned meeting and licensing process. Bill BrittDecember 12, 2023
Health Analysis | Alabama’s medical cannabis integrator applicants’ readiness reviewed The commission's choices will have long-lasting implications, and careful consideration is needed to avoid potential legal entanglements. Bill BrittDecember 11, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Alabama’s medical cannabis licensing: A fork in the road As the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission sifts through the applications, a troubling picture is coming into focus. Bill BrittDecember 11, 2023