Featured Opinion Opinion | Lawmakers push for librarian arrests in far-right bid to “protect children” Once upon a time, the GOP—embodying the spirits of icons like Theodore Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan—stood as bastions against big government and judicial overreach. Bill BrittApril 26, 2024
Opinion Opinion | Nathaniel Ledbetter is a very powerful speaker of the House If Alabamians get the much sought after right-to-vote on a lottery, and regulate gambling in the state, it is because of Speaker Nathaniel Ledbetter. Steve FlowersApril 24, 2024
Featured Opinion Opinion | We could all use a break from this awful, terrible, no good session This legislative session has been particularly awful. Anthony Daniels asked for the one thing we could all use: A break. Josh MoonMarch 21, 2024
Legislature House speaker gives preview of legislative agenda The 2024 Legislative Session starts on Feb. 6. Jacob HolmesJanuary 11, 2024
Congress Sewell votes for National Defense Authorization Act It includes a pay raise for service members, research funding for HBCUs, and investments in Alabama’s military installations. StaffDecember 15, 2023
Congress Rep. Sewell comments on Republicans’ decision to remove Speaker Kevin McCarthy This is the first time in U.S. history that a sitting speaker has been voted to be removed. StaffOctober 4, 2023
Legislature Pringle wins Shroud Award for “deadest bill” of the session The longstanding House tradition has been on pause since the beginning of the pandemic. Jacob HolmesJune 8, 2023
Legislature House committee approves bipartisan grocery tax bill, with a few changes The bill would reduce the sales tax on SNAP eligible foods by 2 percent as early as 2025. Jacob HolmesMay 25, 2023
Legislature Week in review: House tampers controversial bills as session nears end Here's a look back at what passed the House last week. Jacob HolmesMay 22, 2023
Legislature House approves bill to allow review of elder habitual felony offenders sentences Many men have been serving life without parole for crimes committed in their youth that never physically harmed anybody. Jacob HolmesMay 17, 2023