State Overpayments in unemployment benefits are causing confusion To better understand overpayments, federal statistics offer a closer look at how errors occurred and who is responsible for the overpayments. Bill BrittJuly 25, 2022
Economy Online job ads in April up 30 percent from ads in April last year The monthly total of online job ads for April 2022 is up 1.8 percent with 41,315 new online ads. StaffJune 9, 2022
Opinion Opinion | High praise for low unemployment Alabama has seen excellent job growth with more than 40,000 new jobs since last year. Beth ChapmanMay 9, 2022
Economy Online job ads in March up 51 percent from last year The five occupations with the most online job ads continue to be for registered nurses, retail salespersons, sales representatives, supervisors of retail salespersons, and... StaffApril 22, 2022
Economy Alabama March unemployment rate ties historic low of 2.9 percent The number of unemployed people also hit a new record low. StaffApril 18, 2022
State ADOL secretary appoints first deputy secretary over government affairs Attorney Don Harrison, currently assistant general counsel for ADOL, will serve as deputy secretary government affairs. StaffMarch 2, 2022
Economy Online job ads in December up 52 percent from last year The monthly total of online job ads for December 2021 is up 0.1 percent with 23,765 new online ads. StaffJanuary 25, 2022
Economy Online job ads in October up 52 percent from last year Registered nurses and retail salespersons top jobs in October based on help wanted online data. StaffDecember 3, 2021
Economy Online job ads in September up 70 percent from last year Fourteen percent of job ads have salaries of $75,000 and above. StaffNovember 3, 2021
Economy Alabama’s unemployment rate is 3.1 percent for September This represents an over-the-year decrease of 78,790. StaffOctober 22, 2021