Alabama on Saturday started publicly reporting the number of people hospitalized because of COVID-19 on its data dashboard. As of Monday morning, 240 people...
The Alabama Senate earlier this month approved a $5 million supplemental appropriation to the budget to combat the spread of COVID-19, a condition caused...
Voters who are concerned about contracting or spreading an illness—including the novel coronavirus—can apply for an absentee ballot to vote in the upcoming primary...
Alabama’s first confirmed case of a person with the novel coronavirus was discovered Friday morning, state officials said. The person lives in Montgomery County...
It was unclear for a time Thursday whether Alabama’s public health lab in Montgomery could test for coronavirus or not. Conflicting statements Thursday from...
Wednesday, Alabama Public Health Officer Scott Harris told the Alabama Senate Health Committee, “We have no cases in Alabama,” referring to the new strain...
The coronavirus is increasingly in the news as the death toll climbs and now includes Americans. Congresswoman Martha Roby, R-Montgomery, said that Congress will...
Thursday, the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH), Office of Oral Health, is offering public water systems the opportunity to compete for fluoridation grants...