Health Alabama’s COVID-19 positivity rate, hospitalizations jump More than 500 people were in hospitals with COVID-19 on July 5. John H. GlennJuly 7, 2022
Health 2020 ADPH report details demographics of Alabama residents obtaining abortions The report details information including the age, race and education level of every person who had an abortion in 2020. Jacob HolmesJuly 6, 2022
Health COVID positivity rate, hospitalizations continue steady increase in Alabama The COVID-19 positivity rate in Alabama is inching higher by the day. John H. GlennJune 30, 2022
News COVID-19 hospitalizations continue to rise, with positivity rate leveling off There are 129 more patients in hospitals with COVID-19 compared to the same time last week. John H. GlennJune 21, 2022
Health CDC shortens recommended quarantine window for asymptomatic COVID-19 patients The CDC said the reduced timeline reflects the latest science on infection times with the spread of the omicron variant. StaffDecember 29, 2021
Health Alabama confirms first case of Omicron COVID variant The Alabamian confirmed to have the omicron variant had no travel history outside of the state. Eddie BurkhalterDecember 16, 2021
Education Mass confusion: Reopening Alabama’s schools amid the delta surge The lack of a singular, statewide order has left each Alabama school district implementing its own standards while trying to follow state guidelines. Josh MoonAugust 24, 2021
Health Alabama has lowest percentage of COVID-vaccinated residents in U.S. Alabama's new cases over the last two weeks have increased 80 percent. Eddie BurkhalterJuly 9, 2021
Health UAB doctor warns of delta variant and upcoming holiday weekend It takes between 10 and 15 seconds of exposure to catch the delta variant of COVID-19, Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo said. Eddie BurkhalterJuly 1, 2021
State ADPH, UAB launch Alabama Regional Center for Infection Prevention and Control The new center will provide consultation and support services to boost infectious disease prevention and control efforts across Alabama. Brandon MoseleyJune 30, 2021