Opinion Opinion | Katie Britt won the Senate race the old fashioned way It would be safe to say she outworked Mo Brooks and Mike Durant combined three to one. Steve FlowersJuly 6, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | A Tuesday election and nobody cares How many of Alabama’s eligible voters will bother with casting a ballot on Tuesday? Joey KennedyJune 20, 2022
Elections Secretary of State reminds voters of ban on crossover voting The law prevents voters who voted in the Republican primary from voting in the Democratic runoff, and vice versa. StaffJune 20, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | Rep. Steve Clouse: Katie Britt is the clear Alabama First candidate for Senate Katie poses a threat to the goals of other states because they know she will put Alabama first. Steve ClouseJune 20, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | Katie Britt will be the next U.S. Senator from Alabama Britt's rise personally and politically, in many ways, is the American dream writ large, where hard work and determination result in success. Bill BrittJune 16, 2022
Elections Opinion | Katie Britt favored to capture Senate seat Katie will hit the ground running and will be an effective, conservative voice, and advocate for Alabama. Steve FlowersJune 15, 2022
Elections National Association of Realtors endorses Katie Britt for U.S. Senate The National Association of Realtors’ Political Action Committee announced its endorsement of Republican Katie Britt for the U.S. Senate. StaffJune 14, 2022
Elections Alabama Realtors announces endorsements for 2022 runoff The association said the candidates endorsed exhibit a commitment to home ownership, private property rights, and economic growth and development. StaffJune 14, 2022
Elections Final day to apply by mail for absentee ballots for the June 21 primary run-off is Tuesday Voters have an additional two days, ending June 16, to apply for an absentee ballot by hand. StaffJune 14, 2022
Elections Donald Trump endorses Katie Britt in Alabama Senate race In a written endorsement on Truth Social, the former president also criticized Mo Brooks. StaffJune 10, 2022