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Featured Opinion

The Founders understood that power must come from the people, not from divine decree.


The suit successfully halted the program and there is currently no sign that it will be implemented again.

Featured Opinion

While there are no political consequences for Donald Trump's incomprehensible actions, there are real world consequences for everyone else.


The regulations set new standards for auto manufacturers, requiring them to slash emissions and pollutants produced by their vehicles.

The Voice of Alabama Politics


police law enforcement lights

Featured Opinion

A bill expanding legal protections for police would only add to a growing, and troubling, problem in the state.


Dr. Mackey said that currently, he does not believe federal cuts will not impact core programs but communication and structure may change.


More than 40 states, including Alabama, were signed on to participate in the program.




It is time to adopt commonsense honest election protections that work because Alabama cannot afford to shortchange its democracy.


In this “Egg-conomy”, we need government to be part of the solution, not the problem.


A new generation of Alabama leaders are taking center stage in our state.


Running a small business isn’t easy, thanks in part to ever-increasing “swipe fees” that are imposed by credit card giants.