Featured Opinion Opinion | Book challengers risk moving dystopian story into the nonfiction section What is a dystopian story if not a grim window into one of our worst possible futures? Jacob HolmesSeptember 7, 2023
National Military service secretaries: Tuberville’s blockade is hurting national security Even as pressure mounts against Tuberville, the senator has stated he is prepared to continue his current strategy. Patrick DarringtonSeptember 7, 2023
Opinion Opinion | Our thoughts and prayers should result in action Like all constitutional rights, including gun rights, there are, and must be, reasonable rules governing those freedoms. Phillip EnslerSeptember 7, 2023
Opinion Opinion | Addressing Alabama’s labor shortage The U.S. Chamber classified Alabama as one of the "most severe" labor and worker shortage states. Nathaniel LedbetterSeptember 7, 2023
Education Governor provides update on the statewide expansion of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Sixty counties are now providing access to Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. StaffSeptember 7, 2023
Courts Cannabis Commission determined its own rule was an undue burden The AMCC determined its 10mb limitation was just cause to grant amended applications months after the original deadline. Bill BrittSeptember 6, 2023
Local news Prattville council votes down library contract Supporters of the library walked in opposition to the contract, and spoke out against moving books at the council meeting. Jacob HolmesSeptember 6, 2023
Prisons Another incarcerated person escapes as deaths continue in ADOC Since last week there have also been multiple deaths at several ADOC facilities. Patrick DarringtonSeptember 6, 2023
Legislature Alabama’s Legislative Black Caucus responds to court’s rejection of congressional map "The Republican-led Legislature is unable to draw maps that offer black voters a chance to fairly elect representation of their choice," Sen. Merika Coleman... Patrick DarringtonSeptember 6, 2023
Opinion Opinion | What the world can learn from “Unconquered” veterans We have and will continue to go out of our way to help and honor veterans, current service members, and military families. Stanley A. DealSeptember 6, 2023