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What took generations to build is being torn down in a dangerous gamble.

Local news

A fundraiser started by the Fairhope chapter of Read Freely Alabama had raised 77 percent of its $40,000 goal.

Party politics

ADP chair Randy Kelley issued a retraction Friday of comments he made about former U.S. Sen. Doug Jones.


Several states -- like Arkansas and Michigan -- have implemented explicit bans on all forms of human cloning.

The Voice of Alabama Politics



Board member Ron Snider called Pack's termination "a result of unfounded allegations made about her by extremists, including on this board."


The bill now heads to Governor Kay Ivey for her expected signature.

Featured Opinion

Truth, trust, and shared purpose are crumbling. Freedom survives only when we guard them fiercely.




Working in education is more than a job, it’s a calling. But that calling should not come with the risk of financial ruin.

Featured Opinion

Voters deserve to have their anger, fear and struggles heard. Instead, their Republican reps are running from them.


The Senate has already approved several significant measures designed to make an already great state even better.

Featured Opinion

While there are no political consequences for Donald Trump's incomprehensible actions, there are real world consequences for everyone else.