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Join us in honoring the hardworking individuals from various professions as they come together to commemorate Labor Day in this colorful illustration. Join us in honoring the hardworking individuals from various professions as they come together to commemorate Labor Day in this colorful illustration.

Featured Opinion

The U.S. labor movement was shaped by tragic and violent events, highlighting the harsh conditions faced by workers and the fierce opposition they encountered.

voting and civil rights concept - vote inserted into ballot box slot on election over american flag


The Alabama Voting Rights Act would reduce requirements for voting rights renewal and allow same day voter registration.

US Constitution on a Flag


Our Constitution, revered my many, detested by some and imitated worldwide, has stood the test of time.


The dinner is scheduled for Friday, Sept. 13, at the Renaissance Montgomery Hotel and Convention Center.


The Voice of Alabama Politics


Girl reading a book in the classroom


The Public Affairs Research Council of Alabama shows significant gains in third-grade ELA proficiency, driven by the Literacy Act.


The ADP was ultimately successful in certifying its list of candidates.


Communications Workers of America members who work for AT&T Southeast are on strike over unfair labor practices.



Featured Opinion

The dismissal of the AMCC from one case was a simple technical ruling that did nothing to resolve the many legal issues outstanding.

A modern digital illustration depicting various silhouettes of people in front of an American flag and cityscape, symbolizing the diverse electorate and the importance of voting A modern digital illustration depicting various silhouettes of people in front of an American flag and cityscape, symbolizing the diverse electorate and the importance of voting

Featured Opinion

For those who see a nation in decline, I say, open your eyes and look around where you live.


Every major industry in Alabama was served by a unionized workforce.

Featured Opinion

There is no abortion debate because only one side has a clearly defined, workable position on the issue.



By Brandon Moseley Alabama Political Reporter Senator Jeff Sessions (R) from Alabama criticized the Obama administration’s border policy.  Sen. Sessions made his comments on...
