Meaningful legislation in Alabama doesn’t fail because it lacks merit — it fails because it gets swallowed by small thinking, partisan pettiness, and political...
By Chip Brownlee Alabama Political Reporter A state senator is proposing changes to Alabama’s sex education law that would remove dated, blatantly anti-LGBT language and...
By Brandon Moseley Alabama Political Reporter Major Party qualifying ended on Friday, Feb. 9, 2018, and there were some late additions, including in the...
By Brandon Moseley Alabama Political Reporter Major party qualifying for the 2018 elections is finished, and Alabamians have a number of choices. All seven...
By Brandon Moseley Alabama Political Reporter Tommy Amason, a Command Sergeant Major in the Army Reserves and two-tour Iraq War veteran, qualified as a...
By Brandon Moseley Alabama Political Reporter Friday, State Rep. Craig Ford, D-Gadsden, announced that he is running as an Independent candidate for state Senate...
By Brandon Moseley Alabama Political Reporter The Alabama Democratic Party closed qualifying on all offices, including the Alabama state Senate. 32 Democrats qualified for...