In addition to preparing budget recommendations on behalf of the state's public colleges and universities, ACHE is also responsible for administering financial aid.
The Governor’s Office late Friday announced Gov. Kay Ivey signed into law HB317, a piece of controversial legislation that will essentially exempt a class...
Gov. Robert Bentley appointed Steve Marshall to be Alabama attorney general after Marshall agreed to launch an investigation into Special Prosecution Division Chief Matt...
On Wednesday, many Alabamians were surprised to learn that apparently using law enforcement personnel to intimidate witnesses and investigate family matters and potential political...
Moms Demand Action, one of the largest gun safety groups in the country, announced that Tuscaloosa Mayor and Democratic candidate for governor Walt Maddox...
Thursday, Public Service Commission President Twinkle Cavanaugh received the endorsement of the Home Builders Association of Alabama in her bid to be Alabama’s lieutenant...
Early Thursday morning, Alabama House Democratic Leader Anthony Daniels, D-Huntsville, and his wife, Dr. Teneshia Daniels, welcomed a healthy baby boy to their family,...