Marshall, ever the political opportunist, instead chose to frame the governor’s decision as an affront to his authority rather than an act of conscience.
Jacksonville Police on Saturday continued to investigate what they believe was a gang-related shooting at Brother’s Bar that left three men wounded, according to...
Thursday, Speaker of the House Mac McCutcheon (R-Monrovia) spoke to the Alabama Association of County Commissioners about the prison crisis and told them that...
Wednesday, the Governor’s Prison Study Commission met in Montgomery to hear criticism of the Alabama Department of Corrections from inmate advocates. “In the last...
Thursday, Congressman Robert Aderholt, R-Haleyville, announces that USDA is spending $62 million to expand broadband in rural Alabama. “This morning the USDA is announcing...
Thursday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-California) ordered Articles of Impeachment be drawn up against President Donald J. Trump (R). There could be...
Thursday, Former Chief Justice Roy Moore (R) and Congressional candidate State Representative Chris Pringle (R-Mobile) both praised new rules for the Veterans Administration protecting...