By Bill Britt
Alabama Political Reporter
MONTGOMERY—When asked if there would be more indictments, Acting Attorney General W. Van Davis said, “No Comment.” That statement should strike fear in the heart of anyone named in the counts on which Mike Hubbard was found guilty.
Hubbard was found guilty on seven counts of receiving a thing of value from a lobbyist or a principal under Section 36-25-5.1 (a) which forbids “[a] public employee or public official or family member of the public employee or family member of the public official shall solicit or receive a thing of value from a lobbyist, subordinate of a lobbyist, or principal.”
The same section of code also makes it illegal for a lobbyist or principal to give a thing of value to lawmaker. “No lobbyist, subordinate of a lobbyist, or principal shall offer or provide a thing of value to a public employee or public official or to a family member of the public employee or family member of the public official.”
This places Tim Hamrick, Chief Executive Officer of American Pharmacy Cooperative Inc., Edgenuity’s V.P. Michael Humphrey, Will Brooke, Rob Burton, Jimmy Rane, and James Holbrook squarely into the crosshairs of the law.
Lead Prosecutor in the Hubbard case, Matt Hart, made it clear to former State Sen. Steve French during his testimony that he had broken his immunity with the Attorney General’s Office.
French violated the “revolving door” act that prohibits lawmakers from lobbying their former legislative branch for two years. Hart also warned that the French immunity agreement kept him free from indictment because of his quid pro quo arrangement with Hubbard. The State claims French asked Hubbard to act favorably toward legislation that was of interest to his Sternes Agee boss, James Holbrooke. It is also alleged that Hubbard asked French to solicit an investment in Craftmaster Printer, which the company did.
Others who may be targeted could be APCI lobbyists Bill Ely and Ferrell Patrick. Former State Health Officers and current CEO of the Alabama Hospital Association, Dr. Don Williamson, could also face a perjury charge. Hart accused him of significantly changing his testimony during the Hubbard trial from what he had sworn to before the Lee County Special Grand Jury that indicted Hubbard.
The Lee County Special Grand Jury is still empaneled, which would seem to indicate more indictments are coming.