Featured Opinion Opinion | Want to vote on gambling, lottery? This is your year With elections a year away, there's no better time than now to let lawmakers know what you want. Josh Moon2 days ago
Opinion Opinion | “Disrespecting” an officer isn’t an excuse to make situations worse Showing disrespect to an officer can often lead to harm, yet police are notorious for demeaning and demonstrating disdain for the public. Patrick DarringtonSeptember 22, 2023
Opinion Opinion | Explaining Alabama’s state grocery tax reduction Here's what it covers and what it doesn’t. Carol GundlachSeptember 22, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | “School choice” is a scam designed to hurt the most vulnerable students We know the answers to fixing struggling schools. But a lot of people would just rather take the money and run. Josh MoonSeptember 21, 2023
Opinion Opinion | If it was in your backyard… In Lowndes County, 15 percent of survey respondents reported that they had a failing onsite sanitation system or no wastewater treatment at all. Mary MooreSeptember 19, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | It’s time for Biden to replace Garland with Doug Jones Merrick Garland's timid, calculating approach doesn't work for today's political climate. Josh MoonSeptember 18, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Live Oak: Reckoning with Alabama’s Confederate ghosts They were the living embodiment of what Confederate had fought for: white supremacy as a government, and a way of life. David PersonSeptember 15, 2023
Opinion Opinion | Of course the Space Command decision was political Yes, Colorado got to keep the Space Command name because of politics. Steve FlowersSeptember 13, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Library de-funders want to control all children Library de-funders are not here to empower all parents; they only want to empower those who think like them. Bill BrittSeptember 12, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Book challengers risk moving dystopian story into the nonfiction section What is a dystopian story if not a grim window into one of our worst possible futures? Jacob HolmesSeptember 7, 2023
Opinion Opinion | Our thoughts and prayers should result in action Like all constitutional rights, including gun rights, there are, and must be, reasonable rules governing those freedoms. Phillip EnslerSeptember 7, 2023