Opinion Opinion | Some of Alabama’s great political leaders passed away this year My year end columns highlight the lives of legendary Alabama political figures who passed away during the year. Steve Flowers23 hours ago
Opinion Opinion | Siegelman meets Big Jim As Siegelman was beginning his first foray into Alabama politics, he met Big Jim Folsom. Steve FlowersAugust 2, 2023
Opinion Opinion | Remembering President Harding and his visit to the Magic City To an assembled crowd that totaled more than 100,000, Harding addressed the issue of race relations head on. Will SellersAugust 1, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Something terrible? Alabama’s got a scheme for that We have no ideas about fixing health care or public education or rampant pollution. But we've got plenty of awful schemes. Josh MoonJuly 31, 2023
Opinion Opinion | CNBC study bears no resemblance to the Alabama we know Its conclusions are the diametric opposite of more factual, professional, and impartial analyses. Helena DuncanJuly 28, 2023
Opinion Opinion | Big Jim Folsom: Alabama’s most uninhibited governor Big Jim Folsom was the epitome of unbridled candidness. Steve FlowersJuly 26, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Alabama’s redistricting effort was worse than it seemed It seemed bad that Alabama Republicans refused to draw a second majority-Black district. But it was actually much worse. Josh MoonJuly 25, 2023
Opinion Opinion | Congressional delegation fights efforts to corrupt Space Command selection The stench of politics surrounding Space Command becomes exponentially stronger with each day that passes. Will AinsworthJuly 25, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | The court must restore justice and fairness to Alabama The special session was simply a partisan exercise of raw political power that laid waste to justice and fairness. Bill BrittJuly 24, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Why it took so long for Tuberville to denounce white nationalists As ridiculous as Tuberville’s various public declarations about white supremacy were, the truth is he wasn’t the first. David PersonJuly 21, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Let’s hope the kids aren’t watching this redistricting process Fairness and equal rights apparently play no role in the redistricting process, as far as Republicans are concerned. Josh MoonJuly 18, 2023