Featured Opinion Opinion | The battle for civil rights didn’t end in Selma — it still rages on Selma showed the world that change doesn’t come from waiting — it comes from marching, from pushing, from refusing to be silenced. Bill Britt3 days ago
Featured Opinion Opinion | The yoga ban in Alabama schools explains so much Yoga is illegal in Alabama public schools. If you ever wanted to sum up this state, that sentence — and the explanation behind it... Josh MoonAugust 31, 2018
Featured Opinion Opinion | Go big, Sen. Jones, or go down trying The perception, if not the reality, is that there is nobody to take the late Sen. John McCain’s place in the U.S. Senate as... Joey KennedyAugust 30, 2018
Opinion Opinion | Trump, Sessions and the woodshed Trump takes Attorney General Jeff Sessions to the woodshed every few days as his whipping post outlet over Mueller frustrations. I have always been... John W. GilesAugust 30, 2018
Featured Opinion OPINION | “Criminal” Court of Appeals does the Devil’s bidding Astonishingly, the Court of Criminal Appeals was able to uphold 11 counts of former Speaker Mike Hubbard’s 12 count conviction while opening a door... Bill BrittAugust 29, 2018
Featured Opinion OPINION | MIke Hubbard broke our laws, and no one should be trying to change them Hold on to your hat. I’m about to tell you a story that you won’t believe. It will be so farfetched, so incredible that... Josh MoonAugust 29, 2018
Featured Opinion Opinion | BCA is back, bigger and better than ever Alabama Power is and has always been a force in Alabama politics. Some entities may have influence in the Legislature, but the power company has... Steve FlowersAugust 29, 2018
Opinion Opinion | The value of town hall meetings No one can deny that the political climate in our country today is pretty divisive. Protests and outbursts are becoming more and more common.... Bradley ByrneAugust 28, 2018
Featured Opinion Opinion | Remembering Women’s Equality Day Women’s Equality Day came and went on Sunday with little to no fanfare. Each year August 26 is set aside to commemorate the anniversary... Bill BrittAugust 27, 2018
Featured Opinion Opinion | Snakes, canaries and the party of corruption There’s all this talk about a “Blue Wave” this November in the midterm elections. Those “midterms” are also the major elections for Alabama. What... Joey KennedyAugust 23, 2018
Opinion Opinion | Great opportunity awaits at the Business Council of Alabama The Business Council of Alabama (BCA) is poised for greatness in its search for a new President and CEO. This comes on the heels... John W. GilesAugust 23, 2018